When Pavements Fail
Experienced Board Members, property management companies, facility managers and individuals responsible for the maintenance & safety of their pavements are very familiar with the negative impact created to their reserve funds when the largest capital project involves their asphalt and concrete pavements.
They understand that adequate funding for these capital projects is essential to their financial health and the safety of the individuals who frequent their properties.
"Inadequate funding of Capital Reserve & Capital Improvement accounts are more common than you would expect"
Without experienced guidance, making the wrong decision during the life span of your pavements can lead to premature failure, increased maintenance, repair and rehabilitation costs creating an excessive drain on the capital accounts used to fund these pavement projects.
Experience Counts!
Starting with the location, many factors contribute to the quality, performance and longevity of your pavements. The design, the planning, the budgets, the scheduling, the material manufacturer, material transportation, the contractors, placement techniques, compaction, project oversight, maintenance plans, pavement management programs.......
The list goes on.
Asphalt Paving Is
A Specialty
Experienced advice, knowledge and guidance is the key to prolonging the lifespan of your pavements, enhance the value of your property, decrease your costs associated with pavement capital improvement projects and limit the liability to exposure from the hazards of faulty pavements.

To prolong performance, to protect reserves & to preserve the quality of your pavements, managers need to acquire professionals with a familiarity to the types of materials available, their strengths and their intended purpose. These professionals need to be experts in application methods, compaction techniques and maintenance procedures. They need to implement cost effective pavement strategies with engineered solutions that address the problems faced by facility and property managers.
Unfortunately, professionals with this type of experience are almost impossible to find, leaving those who manage these pavements with many questions.
What is the condition of our pavements?
Is our property safe for pedestrians and vehicles?
Can these pavement failures cause an accident?
What is our liability?
What repairs are needed?
When are they needed?
What materials should we use?
How thick should the pavement be?
How much will it cost?
Will we need a special assessment to cover these expenses?
Will we need to obtain additional funding?
Who can we get to bid on this project?
How do I start the bid process?
What is a RFP?
Why do I have different specifications between bidders?
Why are the prices so different?
How do I know which contractor to use?
How do I know if the contractor is using the correct materials?
How do I know that I am not overcharged for additional work?
How do I know if the contractor completed all they promised?
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Eventually All Pavements
Will Begin Showing Signs of Distress and Fail.
Like most things in existence, pavements have a limited period of useable life starting from the time when the new pavements were placed to a time where all pavement maintenance and rehabilitation options have been exhausted with no serviceable life remaining. This duration of time is known as the Pavements Life-Cycle.
The Management Decisions
Made During a Pavements Life-Cycle
Will directly affect the pavements Life-Cycle Performance and will significantly influence the overall costs (Life-Cycle Costs) needed to keep their pavements in a safe and useable condition. These decisions start with a set of Contributing Factors beginning with the geographical location and the impact the environment can impose on the pavements followed by:
Original pavement design & specifications.
Construction Techniques.
Pavement Management.
Pavements Fail
When they do...
Managers now have access to a firm of specialists with the resources, support and experience that have never been available before.
Decisions Matter
When making the wrong decision impacts pavement quality, increases liability and drains reserves...
We have Your Back
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